Welcome to Jean Racine !
Des élèves de 4° ont rédigé la présentation, en anglais, du collège afin que les élèves de l’étranger puissent avoir un aperçu de notre cadre de vie et fonctionnement !
Enjoy the tour :) !
5 articles
Our best memories
Some pupils are sharing with you their best memories in Jean Racine ! My best memory in Jean (...)
The cafeteria
The meals take place in the cafeteria. Inside, we speak a lot, it’s very noisy ! Later, we play (...)
This is a typical timetable in 4° ( Year 9) Elisa & Raykesh
RULES OUTSIDE I can play football and basket ball I can bring my scooter I must respect people (...)
In the school there are 3 buldings : the cafeteria, the school and the administration.The (...)